Our school is participating in School Enterprise Challenge, which is an international award program for schools around the world that guides students to set up real school businesses in schools. This student led business aims at creating young entrepreneurs. Experience of running a school business gives students a whole spectrum of skills needed to plan and implement a business from scratch. The startup business is titled, "A small step but a big leap" where focus is on knowing the potential of India's small scale industries. It is a great opportunity for students to learn skills in collaboration, facilitation and leadership. It also aims to develop young people's business and soft skills to better prepare them for the world of work and to develop their capacities as socially responsible entrepreneurs. Here is the School Enterprise Challenge team of Shiv Vani.

S.No. Designation Name of Student
1 Finance Department Head Shreya V.S
2 Production Department head Isha Jain
3 Sales Department Alok Kanojia
4 Advertisement Aditi
5 Branding, Labeling Himanshu, Livansh
6 Distribution Garima
7 Stall Managers Yogeeta, Khushi
8 Supervisiors Twinkle , Bhaskar, Shubham
9 Acountant Manya, Priyanshi
10 Back up team Sarthak, Rohan



Shiv Vani feels proud to be part of School Enterprise Challenge, which is an international award program by British Council. This is a program that is designed to transform young people around the world from job seekers into job creators. The program challenges young people to establish a socially responsible, but profitable business at their schools. The business becomes a platform for providing hands-on relevant education to students. The student-led business startup of the school titled, “A Small Step but a Big Leap”, focuses on knowing the potential of India’s small scale industries. To show case their enterprise, our students held an exhibition cum sale of the products they made on 13 August 2016, PTM day, from 9.a.m to 11.30 p.m. The exhibition cum sale was inaugurated by Mr.Prashant Narula, Principal.

On the exhibit were the items like organic manure, eco friendly craft products, home décor items and homemade pickles. Our students received many appreciations and words of encouragement from parents, teachers and visitors.


Shiv Vani feels proud to be part of School Enterprise Challenge, which is an international award program. Our School Has been participating in SEC since 2016.It is a moment of great pride and joy when our school achieved Gold Level Award for planning, setting up and running an innovative school business.

The student-led business startup of the school titled, “A Small Step but a Big Leap”, focuses on knowing the potential of India’s small scale industries. To show case their enterprise, our students held an exhibition cum sale of the products they made on 13 August 2016, PTM day, from 9.a.m to 11.30 p.m. The exhibition cum sale was inaugurated by Mr.Prashant Narula, Principal.

On the exhibit were the items like organic manure, eco friendly craft products, home décor items and homemade pickles. Our students received many appreciations and words of encouragement from parents, teachers and visitors.