With the aim to instill confidence, discipline comradeship and train the students to be worthy citizens and future leaders, the school started the NCC (National Cadet Corps) training as a part of curriculum. NCC Cadets are given training on a regular basis. The motto of the training is to prepare students to serve the nation and be responsible and disciplined citizens of the nation. In keeping up the spirit and enthusiasm, every year, NCC cadets of the school attend various camps. These training camps include self defense classes, map reading, trekking, blood donation camps, mountaineering etc.


Vijay Diwas was organized in the school on 22/07/2019. The NCC Cadets were told about the supreme sacrifice of Kargil war heroes who laid their lives for the country. NCC Incharge of the school explained to the cadets the story that led to the conflict, the bravery exhibited by our soldiers, details about Operation Vijay and the final outcome of the war. 48 NCC Cadets participated in the lecture. The lecture concluded with a discussion on the courage and bravery of our soldiers and the lessons an NCC cadet can learn from them.

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A Mega awareness pollution pakhwada was celebrated in the school 24 April 2019. Students were taken for an awareness rally around the school campus and nearby areas. Cleaning of school campus was also carried out. The cadets urged the people to create a green environment, keep water clean in canal and rivers and stop burning crackers during festivals. A special assembly was also organized to declare and adopt Swatch Vidhyalaya-Swatch Bharat campaign. The NCC cadets along with teachers and students took an oath to maintain cleanliness all around and achieve the objective of attaining a clean country and a clean world. In order to imbibe the value of cleanliness in present generation, on 09 May 2019 a Cleanliness Drive (Sharamdan Mahadan) was organised in the school under the guidance of the NCC Cadets. The students actively and enthusiastically participated in performing various tasks like cleaning their classrooms, wiping the walls, mowing the grass, weeding out the plants and cleaning the school lawns and nearby public parks. The activity was enjoyed by the students and they were thrilled to be a part of Swacch Bharat Abhiyan.

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With the aim to instill confidence, discipline comradeship and train the students to be worthy citizens and future leaders, the school started the NCC (National Cadet Corps) training as a part of curriculum. NCC Cadets are given training on a regular basis. The motto of the training is to prepare students to serve the nation and be responsible and disciplined citizens of the nation. In keeping up the spirit and enthusiasm, every year, NCC cadets of the school attend various camps. These training camps include self defense classes, map reading, trekking, blood donation camps, mountaineering etc.

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NCC TRAINING CAMP - 2016- 2017

Every year the girl cadets participate in a 10 days CATC (Combined annual training camp). 500 girl cadets from different schools and colleges participate in this camp. Training schedule includes weapon training (0.22 rifle), Drill, Field and battle craft, Map reading, Tent pitching etc. In weapon training the cadets are taken to the authorized firing area which is supervised by the PI staff, Officers and ANOs of the particular Unit. During firing, cadets are given 10 to 15 rounds to fire and they are judged on how well they can aim at their targets. During camps the cadets are involved in games, physical training and cultural activities. Various competitions are also conducted and the trophies are presented by the Commanding Officer during the closing ceremony. Our girl cadets participated in CATC from June 13, 2017 to June 22, 2017 in Garrison Parade Ground, Delhi Cantt. It also included Yoga session on Yoga Day (21 June. The cadets from our School participated with full enthusiasm along with their ANO Mrs. Sangita Bhardwaj on the Yoga Day session held from June 18 to June 21, 2017 in Army Public School, Delhi Cantt. The second CATC was held in the NCC Unit, Safdarjung Enclave for 10 days from June 21, 2017 to June 30, 2017. Cadets from Shiv Vani won laurels by getting first position for Group Song and third position for Drill competition. The camp is always a memorable and learning experience for all the cadets.

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On the foggy morning of 15 January 2015, all the NCC girl Cadets, along with their ANO, Ms.Sangita Bhardwaj went to 60 Infantry Brigade for a firing training camp. All girls were taught how to hold a gun, and steps to insert a bullet. While for some just holding the weapon was like an adventure, others said it was what they had been looking forward to the most in their training. The instructor explained about the parts of a rifle. The cadets were also taught how to set a target and then how to fire shots. In the very first round the cadets were given ten 2.2 caliber real bullets to shoot. All cadets excelled and as a token of appreciation they were given another chance to shoot. "Firing is one of the most important training in NCC, without which the experience is incomplete. I was waiting for firing day since the first day of this camp and was very excited to come here", says Pooja Madan of Class IX. After the shooting practice, the cadets went for some more adventure activities like Obstacle race

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National Cadet Corps which rose in 1948, celebrated its 66th anniversary on Nov 23, 2014. At HQs level, the raising day function was marked by paying homage at the Amar Jawan Jyoti, India Gate to the martyrs of the Indian Defense Forces who made the supreme sacrifice. Wreaths were laid on behalf of 17 Directorates of the NCC, Cadets, Associated NCC officers and the three Services.

On this day Lt. Aniruddha Chakravarty, VSM, Director General NCC and selected Cadets laid wreaths on behalf of the entire NCC fraternity.

I was privileged to get an opportunity to be a part of this occasion and meet the dignitaries. It was an amazing experience for me.

Ms.Sangita Bhardwaj

School NCC Incharge

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A blessed day it was- Nov 8, 2014 when I got those stars on my shoulders. I had a unique experience and the feeling cannot be expressed in words. I reported at the Officers Training Academy (OTA), Gwalior on August 10, 2014 to attend a three months training for lady ANOs (Associate NCC Officers).

The three months training period brought my student days back into memory. We had a rigorous syllabus where lessons on basic military subjects, civil defense, leadership, national integration awareness etc were taught. I learned something very new and different every day. The training was not easy to undergo but I found it very interesting. The trainees were exposed to a regimented way of life which is essential for inculcating values of discipline, punctuality, orderliness and self confidence.

There were around 80 teachers from all over India sharing rooms together.I felt the thrill and joy of community living following a rugged but interesting routine. This also helped in developing camaraderie, team work, self reliance and dignity of labour among trainees. The trainees had to get up at 5 a.m. for the training and on some days we worked very late into the night. Every morning started with a P.T which was followed by a drill. After a quick shower and breakfast, we rush for our lectures. Evenings are for sports activities. We were given training in tent pitching, map reading, and weapon training and firing which I found very exciting. In addition to this there were other camp activities like trekking, excursions and sports.

I feel proud to say that I received silver medal (II Prize) for my overall performance during the course. I also bagged Ist Prize in Table Tennis (Singles) and the 'Best Lecture' Certificate as well.

I am now an ANO from Shiv Vani with a Third Officer Rank. I feel proud that I could successfully complete my training. I would like to thank Principal Sir, Mr. Prashant Narula, for showing faith in me and motivating me to take this opportunity. I would also like to thank my family, friends, and colleagues who supported me for this training of three months.

Thank you all once again.

Ms. Sangita Bhardwaj

ANO-4 Delhi Girls Battalion