School has two libraries ,Junior school library caters to the needs of students from Pre-school to class V while Senior school library is for the students of Classes VI to XII.

The school library provides a conducive atmosphere for reading. It's a well lit and spacious reading room and the stock of reading material find patronage among both the students and the teaching faculty of the school. The library is continuously being replenished with latest books, periodicals, newspapers journals, reference books, audio-visual media and currently has more than 20,000 books. Besides numerous encyclopedias and reference books, the library subscribes to several magazines and journals viz : India Today, The Week, Outlook, Competition Success Review, Competition Success (G.K.), Junior Science Refresher, Business Today, Education Today, Science Reporter, Herald of Health , Reader's Digest, Champak, Society, Women's Era, Health & Nutrition, Down to Earth, Time, Front Line, Money Outlook, Auto Car, Digit, IT, PC Quest, National Geographic, Children's World, Scientific American, Geography & You etc. A separate reference area has been provided for the students and teachers.

Cataloguing, Classification and Issue-Returns are all done through computerized management system.

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