Decorah Middle School, USA has been our partner school since 2019. In every academic session, students exchange letters and greetings. During lock down, an online 'Meet and Greet' activity was organised where students of both schools discussed their hobbies and how they spend their lock down days.

The school has partnered with Lifeforte International School, Nigeria on a Project titled "CLUB 2030".Club 2030 is a school club with the aim to create awareness among students about the 17 Sustainable Developmental Goals of the United Nations. Consequently, the club will inspire students to participate in activities that represent the SDGs at present, and in the future. The club will also encourage students to nurture skills that support the goals and to share and spread the vision in their immediate environment and the community at large.

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Connecting Classrooms is a global education programme by British Council for schools. It aims to help young people develop the knowledge, skills and values to live and work in a globalised economy and become responsible global citizens. As part of the Connecting Classrooms Programme, Shiv Vani students partner with Poongmoon School, South Korea on Various project in every academic session.

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To inculcate moral values and help students to become global citizens of the future, students of Junior School partner with Nurettin Topcu School, Turkey on another project titled ‘Value Education’. Activities were planned for value based topics like respect, love, amity, tolerance and empathy.

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